👋 Welcome

Archway is a layer 1 in Cosmos built to incentivize developers. Archway developers can earn from contributing to the network, unlike other layer 1s.

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🇳🇬 Archway Nigeria

Archway Nigeria is an international community dedicated to fostering innovation, collaboration, and growth within the Archway ecosystem in Nigeria. As part of the broader Cosmos network, we strive to create a space where developers, enthusiasts, and blockchain pioneers from across Nigeria can come together to contribute, learn, and shape the future of decentralized technology.

Come find opportunities here and join us on this adventure.

Get together. Learn together. Build together.


Register for our upcoming onboarding and Workshops meetup at Bayero University Kano, New Site.

Date: 21st December 2023

Time: 11 am WAT

RSVP Confirmation Task

Get Started

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/79f44be2-9b49-42e5-907b-f90b23931905/95d7214a-830b-4da9-acf0-a1718eb2a91a/Logoa.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/79f44be2-9b49-42e5-907b-f90b23931905/95d7214a-830b-4da9-acf0-a1718eb2a91a/Logoa.png" width="40px" /> Follow Archway & Join Discord


<aside> 🇳🇬 Join Archway Nigeria Telegram and Follow Archway Nigeria


<aside> 🧑‍💻 Archway Builder Chat


<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/79f44be2-9b49-42e5-907b-f90b23931905/bff718d0-6944-41f1-b59c-252cea9a53d2/.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/79f44be2-9b49-42e5-907b-f90b23931905/bff718d0-6944-41f1-b59c-252cea9a53d2/.png" width="40px" /> Ambassador Opportunities


[Nigeria Community Campaign](https://phi-labs.notion.site/Nigeria-Community-Campaign-48f031a9be684db59c95608fd0af0f6b)

<aside> 📅 Archway Architects Alliance Global Events


About Archway

📍Getting Started

🟠 Archway Ecosystem

📣 Press & Blog

📣 Brand & Media Kit


📄 Documentation

Learn how to set up and use the tools you need to be part of the Archway community.

👽 Area 52 Cosmwasm Courses

Master CosmWasm and smart contracts in Rust. Learn how to build your own multichain applications!

💰 Grants Program

The grant program provides strategic support and funding for projects and initiatives that contribute to the advancement of the ecosystem and propel its growth.

👩🏻‍💻 Github

Let's build on Archway here

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Archway India


Archway India


Archway Brasil


Archway Nigeria


Archway Colombia


Archway Philippines